• Organisational Consulting

    Processes of change are not easy and it is important to trust in previous developments and achievements,
    and build on what is already there. I care about these aspects.

    Attaining sustainable processes of learning and renewal will lead to more success. So let me help you with the consultation most suitable for your organisation.

    Reasons for Organisational Consulting:

    • Development of Company Culture (CI)
    • Strategic Orientation
    • Team Development
    • Work Motivation
    • Development of Resources and Skills
    • Coping Strategies for specific interactional problems and conflicts
    • Management of cross-cultural issues

    As an external advisor I work in a target and solution-oriented way.
    On the basis of a sound analysis of the current situation we work together towards solutions, which take into account the main views of the experts and decision makers and of the persons involved and affected, (also of clients and other interested parties). If desired, I can support you during the processes of application, implementation and anchoring within the organisation.

    It is my fundamental aim to minimise the costly and time-consuming issues of friction and conflict, to make work-procedures and structures function efficiently, to enhance acceptance of decisions made so that commitment, motivation and trust are secured.
    My overall aim is that management control is maintained at all times.


  • Seminars

    On request I design workshops and seminars (one-day or longer) on a range of different topics, such as: Communication Skills, Leadership, Stress Management, Coping with Conflicts and Team Development